The Way to Name Your Folder and File
Students are often making mistakes to name their project folder and files when they first begin learning programming for the web. The most common mistakes or the way that is not suggested for naming folder and files are:
Using Chinese characters in the names, such as “张三.html”.
Using pure numbers for the names, such as “1.html”.
Using meaningless letters for the names, such as “abcd.html”.
So what’s the usual or suggested way to name your folder and files?
I summarize as follows:
Always try to use English words or abbreviations.
If Chinese characters are inevitable or are more meaningful, use Pinyin instead of characters.
If numbers are inevitable or are more suitable, combine number and letters and connect them with an underline “_”.
Some good exmaples of file and folder names are “index.html”, “student.html”, “stu_1.html”, etc..
Reading the source codes of the available classic websites can also help you learn the way how they name their files and folders and therefore you can get the feeling of correctly naming files. Eventually, it becomes your instinct to give a good name to your project folder and files .