When Less is More
CSS is already becoming more and more complex. Adding something else to it doesn’t make it more complex? The answer is no. Because it depends what you are going to add to it. CSS preprocessors are the things that are added to CSS and make CSS look more elegent, easier to maintain and faster to write.
CSS preprocessors bring the things that a normal programming language has by default but CSS lacks, such as variables, functions, loops, etc.. There are mainly three different kinds of CSS preprocessors: LESS, SASS
. The workflow is as follows: You first write the preprocessor code, then compile it either before or in the run time into CSS code.
LESS is a fairely easier one among the three preprocessors. So let’s start with LESS first.
A typical LESS code is as follows:
.box {
color: #000;
@base: #abcdef;
.div {
color: saturate(@base, 5%);
border-color: lighten(@base, 20%);
p {
The compiled CSS code is:
.box {
color: #000;
.div {
color: #a8cdf2;
border-color: #ffffff;
.div p {
color: #000;
The codes above are all self-explainatary. You can already see the power of LESS such as variables, mixin (a function in LESS’s language) and nesting. The other typical features of LESS are: math and iterations.
Math in LESS:
is already supported by most of the morden browsers. With LESS, math is as easy as a breeze:
@blue: #00c;
@light_blue: @blue + #333;
@dark_blue: @blue - #333;
Iterations in LESS:
LESS does not have loop key words such as for
and while
. However, we can make loops by making recursive mixins.
.screen(@index: 12, @width: 1100px, @i: 1) when (@index <= 3){
#img@{i} {
z-index: @index;
@media screen and (max-width: @width) {
display: none;
.screen(@index - 1, @width - 50, @i + 1);
Finally, we come to the point of how to incorporate LESS into our daily projects. There are mainly two ways to utilize LESS. LESS can be installed using the command line by npm install less -g
. In this way, using LESS is as easy as typing lessc source.less destination.css
. LESS can also be used directly in the browser by including the following code into the HTML file:
<link rel="stylesheet/less" type="text/less" href="styles.less">
<script>less = { env: "development" };</script>
<script src="less.js"></script>
If you already know CSS well, it won’t take long for you to master LESS. And once you have mastered the power of LESS, you will not be willing to go back to pure CSS again.