Learning jQuery is Easy
jQuery is probably by far the most popular javascript library for web developers. And it is also very easy to use. The slogan of jQUERY is “write less, do more”. With just a few lines of jQuery codes, you can do a lot of things that will normally take you more lines of codes and more time to finish. So there is really no reason that we should not use jQuery. However, people find that jquery does have drawbacks recently and begin using other frameworks. I will come to the other frameworks in my later posts. In this post, I am only focusing on the good parts of jQueryjQuery.
Install and use jQuery
Using automation tools such as bower and npm is one way to use jQuery(the way I prefer).You can also download the jQuery .js file directly from the jQuery website and then include it in the HTML file and start using it as follows:
<script src="jquery.js"></script>
$(function() {
// Tasks to be done when DOM is ready
The basic syntax for jQuery is:
Selecting DOM elements
In fact, the most useful thing of jQuery is to select DOM element using CSS selector syntax. For example:
// This will fade out all p tag HTML elements
// This will fade out all the HTML elements with class "example"
// This will fade out the HTML element which has an ID "example"
jQuery DOM manipulations
Manipulating DOM elements is what jQuery is professional about. Moving, adding, removing and updating DOM become easy with jQuery functions. The most common jQuery DOM manipulation functions are append()
, before()
, attr()
, css()
, html()
, val()
, parent()
, etc..
Ajax operations
jQuery is skilled at Ajax operations. Everything needed for Ajax operations can be done by using just a single line of chained functions:
url: '/path/to/file',
type: 'default GET (Other values: POST)',
dataType: 'default: Intelligent Guess (Other values: xml, json, script, or html)',
data: {param1: 'value1'},
.done(function() {
.fail(function() {
.always(function() {
Cross browser support:
After using jQuery, cross browser and browser compatability issues are no long developers’ headache. Forget about Polyfills and Shims. jQuery will handle all those things for you.
jQuery plugins:
jQuery is already very powerful. jQuery plugins make it more powerful. You can even write your own jQuery plugins. You may have already felt the power of jQuery plugins from my previous posts about animations.
As one of the cons, people feel that jQuery is a little bit of heavy for light projects. And manipuating DOM a lot will be computing intensive for web pages. As an alternative, Zepto is more lightweight but less Internet Explorer friendly (Zepto doesn’t support old Internet Explorer versions (<10)). Therefore, it is claimed to be a minimalist JavaScript library for modern browsers with a largely jQuery-compatible APIZepto. The other JavaScript frameworks provide either the similar functions as jQuery, such as Angular
Angular, or alternative solution, such as React
As any other JavaScript libraries or frameworks, you can only get professional at it by using it. Old saying tells the truth again here: Practice makes perfect.