The Essencial Git Commands
Git is nowadays almost one of the most used tools for a professional Web developer. However, there are a lot of git commands at your desposal. I here list the most used and also the most useful commands from my own developing experiences.
- git add This is for staging files.
- git commit -m This is for commiting or making a snapshot of your staged files.
- git commit -am This is for auto commiting files even without staging them first.
- git diff This is for displaying the change. You can even display the changes between different branches.
- git diff –staged Display the difference between the staged and unstaged.
- git log This is for showing the log messages of operations.
- git log –oneline Logging out concise messages.
- git log –graph Logging out messages using graph form.
- git log –oneline –graph –all –decorate logging out all the messages using more user-friendly format.
- gitk Opening the GUI interface for git.
- gitk –all
- git branch Showing all available branches for the current repository.
- git branch branch-name Creating a new branch called ‘branch-name’.
- git checkout branch-name Change to the branch called ‘branch-name’.
- git merge branch-name Merge the branch ‘branch-name’ to the current branch.
- git branch -d branch-name Delete a branch called ‘branch-name’.
- git rebase branch-name merge ‘branch-name’ to the state before changes
- git remote -v Display the connected remote repositories.
- git remote add origin Add the remote repository of github named xxxx.
- git push -u origin master Push the local repository to the default remote repository and saving the configuration parameters for later easier pushing.
- git push Push the local repsository to the default remote repository.
- git pull Pull the default remote repository to the local folder.
- git clone Clone the default remote repository to the local folder.
- git fetch Fetch from remote repository but not merge locally.
Besides the above mentioned git commands, there are other more friendly ways to use git. They are using git in the browser, using git by a GUI application, such as Github Desktop and using git in the IDEs or code editors (most code editors and IDEs have git being integrated).
More information about git and github can be found in git Website and github.