There are five primitive data types and one reference data types in JavaScript. This is the foundation for JavaScript. The primitive data types are Number, String, Boolean, Null and Undefined. The reference data type is Object. However, there are also six data types in the Object category and they are actually diferrent reference data types. They are Object, Function, Array, Error, Date and RegExp

  • Number

All numbers including both integer numbers and floating point numbers are of type Number.

typeof 1 //"number"
  • String

String is the character set that is enclosed by single quotes or double quotes.

typeof "hello" //"string"
  • Boolean

The boolean data type has only two values, true and false. However, other values in JavaScript can also be interpreted as either true or false in developement.

typeof true //"boolean"
  • Null

There is only one value for the Null data type, null which stands for an empty object.

null === null //true
  • Undefined

When a variable is defined but not initialized, its value is undefined.

typeof undefined //"undefined"

From the above codes we can see that the primitive types can be determined by the operator typeof except the null which can be determined by getting the returned value of comparing it to null using ===.

To determine the types of a reference data type is not as easy as the primitive types. If you use typeof, you will simply get object except the Function data type for which you get function. So what should we do to tell their data types? The answer is using instanceof operator.

var a = new Object(),
    b = new Function(),
    c = new Array(),
    d = new Date(),
    e = new Error(),
    f = new RegExp();

a instance of Object //true
b instance of Function //true
c instance of Array //true
d instance of Date //true
e instance of Error //true
f instance of RegExp //true

You may wonder if there is a universal way to test the data type of a variable. The answer is no at the moment. However, you can rely on the following code to test a data type most of the time.

function test(value) {
    var result =;
    return result.substring(8, result.length - 1);
var a = new Object(),
    b = new Function(),
    c = new Array(),
    d = new Date(),
    e = new Error(),
    f = new RegExp(),
    g = 1,
    h = "string",
    i = true,
    j = null,
    k = undefined;

test(a) //"Object"
test(b) //"Function"
test(c) //"Array"
test(d) //"Date"
test(e) //"Error"
test(f) //"RegExp"
test(g) //"Number"
test(h) //"String"
test(i) //"Boolean"
test(j) //"Null"
test(k) //"Undefined"