Getting More Powerful with the Data API
I demonstrated a lucky game program using the HTML5 data api during the class. Here I will go a little more into the details for this api so that you can have a good understanding to the ins and outs of this powerful feature being widely used in the web.
There are two use cases for the data api:
Storing data using the custom data attributes(data-*)
Access to the data attributes using the
The use senarios are as simple as the ones described above. However, there are a few rules to follow.
The name of the data attribute in HTML can be the dash-style format
The name of the data attribute in HTML can not contain capital letters
The name of the data attribute in Javascript can only be camelCase
Name conversion(dash-style to camelCase and vice versa) is needed to manipulate the data attribute in Javascript or in HTML
In the lucky game program I used the custom data-id attribute in the HTML to store the identifier data for each to be clicked area in the web page. I then get the stored identifier in the Javascript file.
Although the main function of the data api is to store data for later access, it is more powerful than that. Many new use scenarios can be derived from this basic feature. Actually many Javascript/CSS libraries and frameworks are built based on the data API.
So please begin read the source codes for some of the popupar Javascript/CSS libraries and frameworks or begin practising with the data API to get more professtional for the web development.