Web Animation Using GSAP
GSAP stands for GreenSock Animation Platform. It is a very efficient and high performance HTML5 animation library, lightweight and fast. It is the best JavaScript animation library that I have used. GSAP.
GSAP is also very easy to use. All you need to do is incorporating the library to your HTML file and starting using the APIs. Don’t worry if you see a lot of JavaScript files from the downloaded zip file from the GSAP website. Just use TweenMax.min.js will be a safe to go. The following code shows a red ball circulating around the center of the box. It can be regarded as a simple replica of the one I did for the canvas game in the post of March 15th 2017. For brevity, the HTML and CSS codes are ommited and jQuery is being used by default.
var ball = $("#ball");
var tl = new TimelineMax(); //Create a TimelineMax object
tl.to(ball, 4, {
bezier: { //define the curve for the ball to follow
type: "thru",
curviness: 2,
autoRotate: 45,
values: [
{left: 450, top: 300},
{left: 300, top: 450},
{left: 150, top: 300},
{left: 300, top: 150},
{left: 450, top: 300}
repeat: -1, //repeate infinitely
ease: Linear.easeNone
$(".btn-pause").click(function() { //click to pause the animation
$(".btn-resume").click(function() { //click to resume the animation
$(".btn-reverse").click(function() { //click to reverse the animation
There are indeed not much to say about the code above. Because it explains all by itself. You can do so much animation by using the free version of the GSAP. If you want to do more and for your business use, you can pay to get the paid bonus to get more features for animation. However, I do think it is worth the price.
To recap:
GSAP libraries contains:
is just a lightweight version compared withMax
GSAP also has plugins for extended features such as animating CSS rules
GSAP has more features such as physics in paid bonus versions